Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Let the Puzzle Fizz begin!

Not a day goes by that I don't try to stump someone with a riddle, a trick, a puzzle or a challenge of some sort. Ideas for new mind-benders cloud my daily thoughts like waves of smoke, swirling around. Now it is time to get the nonsense out of my head and into yours. With a twist! If you can solve the current puzzle, I'll give you a $50.00 Gift Card to Wal-Mart. You risk nothing, of course.

Want to give it a shot? Here's how it works. Below is a puzzle, and the only instructions you're permitted to see. No hints, no clues, no begging, no whining! This puzzle will remain in place until someone solves it. Once solved, I'll post a new puzzle for all to attempt. You're welcome to post replies, but be careful! If you're close to getting it right, but it's not EXACTLY right, your reply may help someone else...

The puzzles here may take the form of a riddle, but sometimes they will be stories that ask for a solution. In the story, the clues you need are entwined in the plot. Sometimes you may need to break a code; or all of the above!

Here is the first puzzle: The coded message (in red letters in the image below) can be deciphered quite easily if you read the clues...

This may be the easiest puzzle you never solve! Good luck!